
Why HTML is the Best for Websites?

01/08/2025 8:00 PM par Admin dans Tech

Why HTML is the Best for Websites


What is HTML?

HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. HTML is the standard language used to create web pages. HTML provides structure to the content on the web, including text, images, and links.

HTML Meaning

HTML hypertext markup language is the language used to structure and show content on the web. It uses tags to define things like paragraphs, scripting languages, headings, and tables.

Who created HTML

HTML was created by Tim Berners-Lee in 1991. He also invented the World Wide Web. His work made it possible for us to browse and share information online.

Basic HTML Coding

HTML coding body HTML is straightforward. You use tags inside angle brackets, like <html> and <body>. For example:

<!DOCTYPE html>



    <title>My First Page</title>



    <h1>Welcome to HTML!</h1>

    <p>This is my first web page.</p>



This code displays a simple webpage with a title and a heading.

HTML Fonts

You can customize text using fonts in HTML. For example, use the <style> tag or html CSS to change the font family:

<p style="font-family: Arial;">This is Arial font.</p>

<p style="font-family: Real Times New Roman;">This is Times New Roman.</p>

Using HTML Color Picker Hex Codes

Colors make your webpage attractive. You can use an HTML color picker to select colors in hex format. For example, #FF5733 is a shade of orange. Here's how to use it:

<p style="color: #FF5733;">This text is orange.</p>

HTML Comment

Comments help you explain your code. Browsers ignore them. You add comments in HTML using <!-- -->:

<!-- This is a comment. The browser will not display it. -->

<p>This text is visible.</p>

HTML Editor Online

An online HTML editor is a tool where you can write and test HTML code directly in your browser. These editors often include features like syntax highlighting and previews. Popular examples include CodePen, JSFiddle, and W3Schools' Tryit Editor.

HTML Validator

An HTML validator checks if your code follows web standards. It ensures your code is correct and efficient. You can use tools like the W3C Validator to validate your HTML code.

HTML Formatter

A formatter organizes your HTML code, making it clean and readable. Many online tools and editors, like Visual Studio Code, have built-in HTML formatters.

Convert HTML to PDF

To save a webpage as a PDF, you can convert HTML to PDF. Tools like Adobe Acrobat or libraries like Puppeteer (for developers) are helpful. Example:

const puppeteer = require ('puppeteer');

(async () => {

  const browser = await puppeteer.launch();

  const page = await browser.newPage();

  await page.goto('https://example.com');

  await page.pdf({ path: 'output.pdf' });

  await browser.close();



The HTML file view shows the structure of a webpage. Most browsers let you view the open source code by right-clicking on the page and selecting "View Page Source."

Why HTML is the Best for Websites

HTML Encoder and Decoder

An HTML encoder converts special characters into HTML entities. For example, < becomes &lt;. An HTML decoder does the reverse. It ensures the web displays characters correctly.

Example of Encoding and Decoding:

<p>Original: <Hello></p>

<p>Encoded: &lt;Hello&gt;</p>

HTML Editor in HTML

You can create a simple HTML editor within a webpage using <textarea> and JavaScript:

<textarea id="editor" rows="10" cols="50">

Write your HTML here...


<button onclick="runCode()">Run</button>

<div id="output"></div>


  function runCode() {

    const code = document.getElementById('editor').value;

    document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = code;



How HTML Works

HTML works by using opening tags to structure and organize content. Each tag has a specific purpose, such as defining a heading, paragraph, social media or image. For example:

<h1>This is a heading</h1>

<p>This is a paragraph.</p>

When you load this code in a browser, it displays the content with proper formatting.

When HTML 4.01 Was Released

HTML 4.01 was released in December 1999. HTML was a significant update to the HTML standard, introducing better support for forms, scripts, and styles. It also improved usability and Consistency with other technologies.

Where HTML Is Used

HTML is used to create webpages. It structures content like text, images, and links. We also use it in email templates, online forms, line break and documentation. Developers use it to create interactive apps by teaming it up with other tools and technologies.

Why HTML Is Not a Programming Language

HTML isn’t a programming language since it doesn’t have any logic or functionality built in. It only describes the structure of content. Unlike programming languages, HTML can’t do calculations or make decisions. Instead, it works with languages like html css and JavaScript to add engagement.

HTML With and Without CSS

HTML with CSS:

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) enhances HTML by adding styles. For example:

<p style="color: blue;">This text is blue.</p>

HTML without CSS:

Without CSS, HTML content appears plain. For example:

<p>This is plain text without styling.</p>

CSS makes webpages look modern and visually appealing, while HTML provides the structure.

HTML Versus Plain Text

HTML and plain text are different. HTML can format text, add images, and create links. Plain text does not include any formatting. For example:


<a href="https://example.com">Click here</a>

Plain Text:

Click here: https://example.com

HTML offers more functionality compared to plain text.


An HTML link connects one webpage to another. You use the <a> tag to create a link. For example:

<a href="https://example.com">Visit Example</a>

This link directs users to the specified URL when clicked.

HTML Viewer

An HTML viewer is a tool or application that displays HTML code as a rendered webpage. Web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Edge are examples of HTML viewers. Developers also use online viewers to preview their code.

HTML Picture

To add pictures in HTML, you use the <img> tag. For example:

<img src="image.jpg" alt="A description of the image">

The src attribute specifies the image file, and the alt attribute provides alternative text for usability.



HTML is the foundation of web development. It uses special codes called HTML tags to structure web pages. We use these tags to define things like headings, paragraphs, and even images. Understanding what an HTML tag does is the first step to learning web design.

Which HTML Elements Displays an Image


If you're wondering which HTML element displays an image, it’s the <img> tag. This tag needs a src attribute to point to the image file. For example, <img src="image.jpg"> displays an image from the given file.


How to Read HTML

Learning how to read HTML is simple. Think of it as following a set of instructions step by step. Each tag represents an element, and browsers display these elements visually. With practice, anyone can understand it.

Why HTML is The Best

Many people ask why HTML is the best. The answer is its simplicity and flexibility. HTML works across all devices and browsers. Learning HTML is simple and crucial for building websites.

Whether you are a beginner or an expert, HTML remains a vital tool in web development.

HTML is an essential skill for web development. Using tools like an HTML color picker, validator, and online editor helps you create, test, and improve webpages. By understanding HTML meaning and basics, you can start building your own web projects today!